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Flyover Protocol Documentation | Getting Started

In this section, we'll cover how to perform a peg-in operation on Testnet, connect to an instance of the liquidity provider server (LPS), make API calls, verify signature and wallet address, and deposit test funds (tBTC) using faucets. See Overview for more information.

The flyover protocol is currently only available on Testnet, and wallet services looking to integrate the flyover protocol may only do so on Testnet.


To use the flyover protocol, we are going to need:

Performing a peg in on Testnet

To perform a peg in operation on Testnet using the flyover protocol, we will do the following steps:

  1. Connect to an instance of the LPS
  2. Make an API call to getQuote, acceptQuote
  3. Verify signature and deposit address
  4. Deposit Funds (tBTC)

Connect to an LPS Instance on Testnet

An instance of the LPS has already been set up on Testnet:

  • The server's functionality is provided through a JSON HTTP interface.
  • The server needs access to both a Bitcoin node and an RSK node. Currently, there’s no web UI, so we will make an API call using Postman or cURL.


The following is a summary of the steps needed to use the flyover protocol on Testnet.

  1. Make a call to getQuote on LPS and get a quote JSON object
  2. Make a call to LBC's hashQuote, which verifies a quote object and returns its hash.
  3. Trigger acceptQuote on LPS with the hash received in the previous step and obtain a quote signature and a BTC deposit address.
  4. Deposit funds in a BTC deposit address as generated in step 3.


This computes and returns a quote for the service. See the Liquidity Provider Server for more information.

Below are the parameters included in the request to getQuote.

Parameter Type Value
callContractAddress string contract address or EOA address
callContractArguments string Contract data
valueToTransfer number Value to send in the call
gasLimit number Gas limit to use in the call
rskRefundAddress string User RSK refund address
bitcoinRefundAddress string User Bitcoin refund address. Note: Must be a legacy address, segwit addresses are not accepted
  • If callContractAddress is an EOA, then the data parameter should be an empty string (""), and if it is a contract address, then the data parameter has to be specified.
  • valueToTransfer is denominated in wei, where 1 RBTC = 10^18 wei
Using cURL:

To make a request to getQuote, paste the following code into a terminal or send a POST request via any other HTTP client.

curl \
--location \
--request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{


The getQuote api returns a quote; this is a list of quotes for the service, with extra parameters:

Parameter Value
fedBTCAddr 2N6JWYUb6Li4Kux6UB2eihT7n3rm3YX97uv
lbcAddr 0x20f1c96aF83f01c07277D100dd7c01d8C7c850e3
lpRSKAddr 0xd053b9B695BEb7104deEa56773197F05AD03E4e0
btcRefundAddr mnYcQxCZBbmLzNfE9BhV7E8E2u7amdz5y6
rskRefundAddr 0x20E75e7287763de60851Ed020089ABf17a1e9a4d
lpBTCAddr mnYcQxCZBbmLzNfE9BhV7E8E2u7amdz5y6
callFee 1368444001000
penaltyFee 1000000
contractAddr 0x20E75e7287763de60851Ed020089ABf17a1e9a4d
data ""
gasLimit 3000000
nonce 3390942776830067377
value 5000000000000000
agreementTimestamp 1657202610
timeForDeposit 3600
callTime 7200
confirmations 2
callOnRegister 2N6JWYUb6Li4Kux6UB2eihT7n3rm3YX97uv
fedBTCAddr false

See more info in Liquidity Bridge Contract.

  • The minimum valueToTransfer is 0.005 BTC + gas fees. value + callFee should not be less than minPegIn. minPegIn is a value that may be queried from the RSK bridge. At the time of writing (July 2022), the value of minPegIn is 0.005 RBTC in Testnet and Mainnet. See minimum required values.
  • For the above API call to callContractArguments, data is empty since it is being used as an EOA.
  • valueToTransfer is in wei. Use the Simple Unit Converter to convert amount in RBTC to wei
  • rskRefundAddress: A remainder will be sent to this address in the event that the user sends more than the agreed amount, or refund, if the LP hasn’t provided its service, i.e. the callForUser action is not triggered. This address can also be the same as the callContractAddress. See RSKIP 284 for more information.
  • bitcoinRefundAddress: funds will be sent to this address incase of a failed peg-in transaction to the RSK network. This may occur when a locking cap is exceeded.
  • timeForDeposit: In this case time specified is 1 hour in seconds.
  • callFee is made up of the LP fee, service fee, and gas limit fees. User has to send the sum of value plus callFee

Getting quoteHash

This is a 64 digit number that derives from a quote object. QuoteHash can be generated by calling the LBC.hashQuote() contract function.

This is a local method provided by the LBC, and doesn’t require mining a transaction or use of funds. A wallet service could call the RSK network contacting the LBC to hash quote. This method is already implemented by the LBC and is not required by a wallet service. See Glossary section.

The quoteHash is needed in order to make an API call to acceptQuote. There are different ways to get the quoteHash. See examples below:

Using Liquidity Bridge Contract

The quoteHash could be calculated using the LBC hash function.

function hashQuote(Quote memory quote) public view returns (bytes32) {
        return validateAndHashQuote(quote);

Using eth_call JSON-RPC

Users can invoke the eth_call JSON-RPC directly, or by using a web3 library. Here's a sample ethers.js call below;

npx hardhat hash-quote --quote

See the Tools section for more information.


The acceptQuote parameter accepts the LPS quotes. This is done by passing the quoteHash in the body of the request.


quoteHash (string) 
    - Hex-encoded quote hash as computed by LBC.hashQuote


    - Signature of the quote
    - Hash of the deposit BTC address



curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "quoteHash": "102e8332dfd95f9d911e14b51349ad9305a834c4f38c1aa7f39cebbf84600bee"


If successful, returns a signature and a bitcoinDepositAddressHash (where funds for peg-in will be deposited).

    "signature": "1504e6ebf49cf6e7414fb98644b4e41303eec19e767f8ab9c86aafd0f0855aad3547817b496bc56cbbb540044677af15e7a423c4d23c7eb474fa6aeabb6585ce1c",
    "bitcoinDepositAddressHash": "2NCuphpp2VX8LKZA5aCVmDc8bDq7G7kUrNG"

Signature is needed in case of failure by LP to fulfill its obligation. The call to registerPegIn also requires a signature parameter.

Verify Signature

Wallets are required to verify the signature and the deposit address before making deposits.

A signature is a Keccak256 hash of the concatenation of \x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32 and quoteHash, signed with the LP's private key.

Verifying of signature is done by:

  • Performing a calculation to an active powpeg address and generating PowpegRedeemScript (which enables expending of funds from powpeg address) which prepends the quoteHash.
  • Using the method getActivePowpegRedeemScript will enable users and liquidity providers to validate unique addresses and compute unique addresses. See RSKIP293.
  • This is fully decentralised, and does not rely on LPs. Verification can be done independently by the user and an LP.

Using the Liquidity Bridge Contract (LBC)

The LBC manages the interaction between users and liquidity providers (LP) in order to achieve fast peg-ins.

See design section for diagrams showing the interactions between liquidity provider, liquidity bridge contract and bridge contract.

Deposit Funds (Peg-in)

using Faucet

In this section, we will deposit test funds (tBTC) into the bitcoinDepositAddress generated in previous step using a faucet, we will do the following;

Note: It is advisable to use a wallet to send exact agreed BTC funds, because faucets may send less than agreed in a getQuote API call. It might be a good idea to deposit some test BTC funds into a user-controlled wallet before proceeding. See minimum valueToTransfer.

  • Step 1: Get bitcoinDepositAddressHash by following the steps above.

Visit a Bitcoin Testnet faucet to get test BTC funds.

  • Step 2: Copy and paste bitcoinDepositAddressHash into address field.

paste address

  • Step 3: Click on get test bitcoins


Note: The transaction can take up to an hour before test funds (tBTC) are deposited into your wallet from the faucet.

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