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Flyover Protocol Documentation | Design and Architecture

The flyover protocol enables the RSK community to build powerful decentralised applications.

It also aims to increase number of possible use cases on the RSK network.

In this section, we will cover the design, architecture, flow diagrams, and minimum requirements needed to use the components of the Flyover Protocol.

The flyover system is composed of;


An RSK user sending BTC to RSK (peg-in). A flyover peg-in protocol client would be a user holding BTC that wants to convert them to RBTC. This process is then facilitated by an LP.

Liquidity Provider (LP)

System requirements:

  • go 1.16.5 or above
  • RSK and Bitcoin running node instance LPS can connect to.

The liquidity provider (LP) is in charge of making an RSK call on behalf of the user. As such, it needs to:

  • Register with the LBC as a liquidity provider.
  • Monitor the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Interact with the user wallet and agree to the terms of the service.
  • Interact with the LBC to provide the service.
  • Interact with the LBC to penalise any misbehaving LPs.

LPs are entities that provide advance payments in RBTC and BTC on behalf of users. They may charge a service fee for their services. The workflows differ from peg-ins to peg-outs. While peg-ins require an off-chain interaction between the user wallet and the LP, the fast peg-out process can be executed without such interaction. We’ll first describe the peg-in process, and later we'll move to the peg-out process.

To be able to participate as an LP, LPs must register themselves in a Liquidity Bridge Contract (LBC) and perform one mandatory deposit on RSK: a security bond that is slashed if they misbehave. A second deposit is optional: they can pre-deposit the BTC liquidity they wish to make available in RSK. While this has a financial cost, by doing so they signal the intent to fulfil the promise. Users can use this information to pick an LP that is well-funded and reduce the risk of deviations while expecting the advance payment.

However, the LPs are incentivized to follow the protocol because they earn a share of each transfer they accelerate, and because if they fail to accelerate them, their security deposit (or collateral) is burned. Several other penalties are possible, such as locking the LP liquidity for a long duration, which equates to a financial loss. Liquidity Providers can privately serve their own users or offer their services in an open marketplace. The RIF marketplace is one of such markets.

Abstraction of a Liquidity Provider’s contract. The artefact is not deployed independently but as part of a dApp that uses one or more LPs.


The LP exposes the following methods:


Computes and returns a quote for the service.


Parameters Type Value
callContractAddress address Contract or EOA address
callContractArguments bytes Contract data
valueToTransfer uint Value to send in the call
gasLimit uint Gas limit to use in the call
rskRefundAddress address User RSK refund address
bitcoinRefundAddress bytes21 User Bitcoin refund address


quote - returns an array of quotes.


Allows the wallet to accept a quote.


- quoteHash (bytes32) - Keccak hash of the parameters in the quote.  


- signature (bytes) - Signature of the quote.
- bitcoinDepositAddressHash (bytes32) - Hash of the address where the user needs to make the deposit.

Liquidity Bridge Contract (LBC)

The Liquidity Bridge Contract (LBC) manages the interaction between users and liquidity providers (LP) in order to achieve fast peg-ins.

See Testnet: 0x0d77ed96104f41295d011ba16f4b79542bd7e390 and Mainnet: 0x0fc7386a22e00629fe611516b2c97004d5ff4082 contract addresses.

System requirements:

The LBC provides the following API:

function meaning
getBridgeAddress Returns the bridge address used by the LBC.
getMinCollateral Returns the minimum allowed collateral for liquidity providers
getPenaltyRatio Returns the penalty ratio
getRewardRatio Returns the reward ratio
getResignationBlocks Returns the number of blocks required to resign
register Registers the sender as a liquidity provider with an amount of collateral
addCollateral Increases the collateral of the sender, who must be a registered liquidity provider
getCollateral (address) - Address of the liquidity provider. Returns ( uint) the amount of locked collateral of a liquidity provider
withdrawCollateral Withdraws locked collateral
deposit Increases the balance of the sender
getBalance (address) - Address of the liquidity provider Returns (uint) the amount of funds of a liquidity provider
withdraw Withdraws funds from the balance of the sender
isOperational (address) - The address of the liquidity provider Checks if a liquidity provider is registered and has enough locked collateral to operate and returns (bool)
resign Used to resign as a liquidity provider
callForUser (quote) Performs a call on behalf of a user and returns a bool if the call has been unsuccessful or not
registerPegIn Registers a peg-in transaction with the bridge and pays to the involved parties. Also penalises the liquidity provider in case of misbehaviour. Returns (int) the total amount of peg in or an error code.


The quote structure defines the conditions of a service, and acts as a contract between users and LPs. Quotes consist of:

params type meaning
fedBtcAddress bytes20 The BTC address of the PowPeg
lbcAddress address The address of the LBC
lpRSKAddr address The RSK address of the LP
btcRefundAddress bytes A User BTC refund address
rskRefundAddress address A User RSK refund address
lpBTCAddr bytes The BTC address of the LP
callFee uint The fee charged by the LP. See callFee
penaltyFee uint The penalty fee that the LP pays if it fails to deliver the service. See maxPenaltyFeePercent
contractAddress address The destination address of the peg-in
data bytes The arguments to send in the call
gasLimit uint the gas limit
nonce uint A nonce that uniquely identifies this quote
value uint The value to transfer in the call
agreementTimestamp uint The timestamp of the agreement
timeForDeposit uint The time (in seconds) that the user has to achieve one confirmation on the BTC deposit.
callTime uint The time (in seconds) that the LP has to perform the call on behalf of the user after the deposit achieves the number of confirmations
depositConfirmations uint The number of confirmations that the LP requires before making the call
callOnRegister bool a boolean value indicating whether the callForUser can be called on registerPegIn.

ABI Signature


This method makes a request to the LBC and performs a call on behalf of a user.


function callForUser(
    Quote quote
) returns bool success

See sample callForUser transaction in Testnet Explorer.


This method requests the Bridge contract on RSK to provide a refund for the service. Internally, it is being triggered by the LPS once funds has been deposited (tBTC) into a Bitcoin deposit address. This method returns the amount transferred to the contract or an error code.


function registerPegIn(
    Quote quote,
    bytes signature,            // LP's signature of the quote
    bytes btcRawTransaction,    // raw deposit transaction
    bytes partialMerkleTree,    // PMT that proves the inclusion of the deposit in a block
    uint256 height              // block number that contains the deposit tx
) returns int executionStatus

See sample contract call in Testnet Explorer.

Note: A transaction fee will be charged when making these contract calls for callForUser and registerPegIn.


The following diagrams show the interactions between liquidity provider, liquidity bridge contract and bridge contract in three different scenarios: basic flyover workflow, unsuccessful call, and liquidity provider fails to deliver.

  • Flyover Flow Diagram
  • Unsuccessful Call
  • No call

Flow Diagram

The following diagram shows the interaction of the different components during the peg-in process.

User Flow

The flow diagram above shows the participants involved when trying to perform a peg-in (BTC → RBTC) operation; they include the client, LPS, LBC.

  • The client wants to send BTC to RSK via the liquidity provider
  • Client triggers getQuote on LPS and gets a quote JSON object
  • Client makes a call to LBC's hashQuote, which accepts a quote object and returns its hash.
  • Client triggers acceptQuote on LPS with the hash received on the previous step and gets a quote signature and a BTC deposit address.
  • Once deposit is made to the depositAddress, the LP waits for the required number of deposit confirmations, makes a callForUser (performs a call on behalf of the user), and waits for the required bridge confirmations.
  • Once successful, a registerPegIn operation is made and deemed successful.


  • The call to isOperational may be performed at a different point in the sequence, to that shown in this diagram.
  • Making a call to isOperational is not necessary, it is intended to help check if the LP and LBC are operational.
  • The call performed by the LP can be a transfer of value to an account or a call to a contract method. This is specified by the value and data arguments of the call.
  • The first version of the Flyover converts only the peg-in process. Later versions will also enable to streamline the peg-out process.

Flyover workflow

Basic flyover workflow.

Flyover workflow

Note: registerPegin (labelled "3") can be called by the LP or any other entity.

Unsuccessful Call

Flyover interactions when the call on behalf of the user is unsuccessful. The LP keeps the call fee and the rest is refunded to the RSK refund address.

Unsuccessful Call

No call

Flyover interactions when the LP fails to call the LBC on behalf of the user. The LBC slashes the LP’s collateral and refunds the user on the RSK refund address.

no call

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