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Command Line Interface

Command line (CLI) arguments are arguments specified after the RSK start class.

New entry points (Java classes with static public main method) have been included from the RSK Hop Release v4.3.0.

The CLI arguments have two forms; the parameter and the flag:

  • Parameter
    • Has a name and an associated value, separated by a space
    • Starts with a dash
  • Flag
    • It's a single text, without spaces
    • Starts with a double dash

Find below a list of CLI flags and parameters available:

Parameters and Flags

Network related

The following CLI flags determine which network the Rootstock (RSK) node will connect to.

  • --main:

This indicates that the configuration for the Rootstock Mainnet (public network) should be used.

  • --testnet:

This indicates that the configuration for the Rootstock Testnet (public network) should be used.

  • --regtest:

This indicates that the configuration for the Rootstock Regtest (localhost network) should be used.

  • Example: java -cp rsk-core-<VERSION>.jar co.rsk.start --regtest
  • Only one of these three CLI flags should be specified.
  • When none of these are specified, Rootstock Mainnet is used by default.

Database related

The Rootstock (RSK) node stores transactions, blocks, and other blockchain state on disk. This is known as the Blockchain Database.

  • --reset:

This indicates that the block database should be erased, and should start from scratch, i.e. from genesis block. This is typically expected to be used when connecting to Rootstock Regtest, or in select debugging scenarios. It is also used when switching between different databases, e.g. between leveldb and rocksdb.

  • --import:

This indicates that the block database should be imported from an external source. This is typically expected to be used when connecting to Rootstock Testnet or Rootstock Mainnet, and when a reduction in "initial sync time" is desired. It is also used when switching between different databases, e.g. between leveldb and rocksdb.

Configuration related

  • --verify-config:

This indicates that the configuration file used by this run of the Rootstock (RSK) node should be validated. By default this step is always performed.

  • --print-system-info:

This indicates that the system information of the computer that the Rootstock node is running on should be output. By default, this is always output.

  • --skip-java-check:

This indicates that the detection of the version of the Java Virtual Machine that the Rootstock node is running in is supported. By default, this check is always performed, to ensure that the Rootstock node is running in a compatible environment.

  • -base-path:

This specifies the value of database.dir, where the blockchain database is stored.

Example: java -cp rsk-core-<VERSION>.jar co.rsk.start -base-path home/rsk/data

  • -rpccors:

This specifies the value of rpc.providers.web.cors to control cors configuration.

Example: java -cp rsk-core-<VERSION>.jar co.rsk.start -rpccors *

Command Line Tools

Database related commands

  • ExportState:

The ExportState command is a tool for exporting the state at a specific block in the Rootstock blockchain to a file.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -b <block_number> -f <file_path>

Options: > -b, --block: The block number to export the state from. > -f, --file: The path to a file to export the state to.

Example: In this example, the state information of block 2000 will be exported to the file “test.txt” on the regtest network.

java -cp rsk.jar -b 2000 -f test.txt --regtest

Output: ``` INFO [clitool] [main] ExportState started INFO [o.e.d.CacheSnapshotHandler] [main] Loaded 194912 cache entries from 'unitrie/rskcache' INFO [clitool] [main] ExportState finished INFO [o.e.d.CacheSnapshotHandler] [main] Saved 194912 cache entries in 'unitrie/rskcache'

  and “test.txt” should look like this:

  • ExportBlocks:

The ExportBlocks command is a tool for exporting blocks from a specific block range to a file. The tool retrieves the block range and exports each block in the range to a specified file.

Usage: java java -cp rsk.jar -fb <from_block_number> -tb <to_block_number> -f <file_path>

Options: > -fb, --fromBlock: The block number to start exporting from. > -tb, --toBlock: The block number to stop exporting.

Example: In this example, the blocks from block 2000 to block 3000 will be exported to the specified file.

 java -cp rsk.jar -fb 2000 -tb 3000  -f   test-blocks.txt

Output: ``` 2023-04-24-16:23:25.0897 INFO [clitool] [main] ExportBlocks started 2023-04-24-16:23:26.0373 INFO [clitool] [main] ExportBlocks finished


Configuration related commands

  • StartBootstrap:

This command starts a bootstrap node with one service, which only participates in the peer discovery protocol.

Example: java -cp rsk.jar

Output: 2023-04-24-15:51:14.0793 INFO [fullnoderunner] [main] Starting RSK 2023-04-24-15:51:14.0794 INFO [fullnoderunner] [main] Running orchid-testnet.json, core version: 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT ....

  • RewindBlocks:

The RewindBlocks command is used to rewind the Rootstock blockchain to a specific block. It can also be used to find and print the minimum inconsistent block (a block with missing state in the states database).

Example: java java -cp rsk.jar [-b <BLOCK_NUMBER>] [-fmi] (or) [-rbc]

Options: - -b, --block=BLOCK_NUMBER_TO_REWIND_TO block number to rewind blocks to. - -fmi, --findMinInconsistentBlock flag to find a min inconsistent block. The default value is false. - -rbc, --rewindToBestConsistentBlock flag to rewind to the best consistent block. The default value is false.

> - An inconsistent block is the one with missing state in the states db (this can happen in case of improper node shutdown).
> - `fmi` option can be used for finding a minimum inconsistent block number and printing it to stdout. It will print -1, if no such block is found.
> - `rbc` option does two things: it looks for a minimum inconsistent block and, if there's such, rewinds blocks from top one till the found one.
> - Note that all three options are mutually exclusive, you can specify only one per call.

Example: java -cp rsk.jar -b 2000 —regtest

Output: INFO [clitool] [main] RewindBlocks started INFO [clitool] [main] Highest block number stored in db: 49703 INFO [clitool] [main] Block number to rewind to: 2000 INFO [clitool] [main] Rewinding... INFO [clitool] [main] Done INFO [clitool] [main] New highest block number stored in db: 2000 INFO [clitool] [main] RewindBlocks finished

  • DbMigrate:

The DbMigrate command is a tool for migrating between different databases such as leveldb and rocksdb.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -t <target_database>

Options: > -t, --targetDb: The target database to migrate to. (“leveldb” or “rocksdb”).

Example: In this example, the current database will be migrated from leveldb to rocksdb.

  `java -cp rsk.jar -t rocksdb`

Output: INFO [clitool] [main] DbMigrate started INFO [clitool] [main] DbMigrate finished

Note: If the target database is the same as the one working on the node, the node will throw an error: Cannot migrate to the same database, current db is X_DB and target db is X_DB.

Dev-related commands

  • ShowStateInfo:

The ShowStateInfo command is a tool for displaying state information of a specific block in the Rootstock blockchain.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -b <block_number>

Options: > -b, --block: The block number or "best" to show the state info.

Example: java -cp rsk.jar -b 20000

In this example, the state information of block 20000 will be displayed.

Output: INFO [clitool] [main] ShowStateInfo started INFO [clitool] [main] Block number: 20000 INFO [clitool] [main] Block hash: 53fe6e9269d26a38d15f368a3b8b647ae6b66e4fe27bd6bd6ee5f4b675129753 INFO [clitool] [main] Block parent hash: 6f49a755c9d6b74d25e15787232887c9dba8e713a8455d9beed97b08bf900b17 INFO [clitool] [main] Block root hash: 587e0645e09d60af77ee04591ac843af14c99f6c498713aeb565f25f2d419cd0 INFO [clitool] [main] Trie nodes: 53 INFO [clitool] [main] Trie long values: 0 INFO [clitool] [main] Trie MB: 0.002902984619140625 INFO [clitool] [main] ShowStateInfo finished

  • IndexBlooms

The IndexBlooms is a tool for indexing block blooms for a specific block range.

Usage: java java -cp rsk.jar [-fb=<fromBlock>] [-tb=<toBlock>]

Options: > -fb, --fromBlock=<fromBlock>: From block number (required) > -tb, --toBlock=<toBlock>: To block number (required)

Example: In this example we are indexing block blooms from block number 100 to 200.

  `java -cp rsk.jar -fb=100 -tb=200`

Output: INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 28% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 45% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 58% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 71% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 81% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 92% of blocks INFO [c.r.c.t.IndexBlooms] [main] Processed 100% of blocks

The IndexBlooms CLI tool indexes block blooms for a specific block range. The required arguments are fromBlock and toBlock, which specify the block range to be indexed.

  • ImportState:

The ImportState command is a tool for importing state data from a file into the Rootstock blockchain.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -f <file_path>

Options: > -f, --file: The path to the file to import state from.

Example: In this example, the state data from the file located at test.txt will be imported into the Rootstock blockchain. Keep in mind that we are using the previously generated state in the ExportState example.

  `java -cp rsk.jar -f test.txt`

Output: INFO [clitool] [main] ImportState started INFO [clitool] [main] ImportState finished

  • ImportBlocks:

The ImportBlocks command is a tool for importing blocks from a file into the Rootstock blockchain. The tool reads a file containing blocks, decodes them and saves them to the Rootstock database.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -f <file_path>

Options: > -f, --file: The path to a file to import blocks from.

Example: In this example, blocks will be imported from the file /path/to/blocks_file.txt.

`java -cp rsk.jar -f /path/to/blocks_file.txt`

Output: INFO [clitool] [main] ImportBlocks started INFO [clitool] [main] ImportBlocks finished

  • ExecuteBlocks:

The ExecuteBlocks command is a tool for executing blocks for a specified block range. This command is useful for testing purposes, debugging or for analyzing the behavior of a blockchain in a given range of blocks.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -fb <from_block_number> -tb <to_block_number>

Options: > -fb, --fromBlock: The starting block number. > -tb, --toBlock: The ending block number.

Example: In this example, blocks from 100000 to 200000 will be executed on the regtest network.

  java -cp rsk.jar -fb 100000 -tb 200000 –regtest

Output: 2023-04-24-16:27:58.0408 INFO [clitool] [main] ExecuteBlocks started 2023-04-24-16:28:02.0881 INFO [clitool] [main] ExecuteBlocks finished

  • ConnectBlocks:

The ConnectBlocks command is a tool for connecting blocks to a chain from an external source file.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -f <file_path>

Options: > -f, --file: The path to the file containing the blocks to connect.

Example: In this example, the blocks contained in the file located at /path/to/blocks.txt will be connected to the chain.

`java -cp rsk.jar -f /path/to/blocks.txt`
  • GenerateOpenRpcDoc:

The GenerateOpenRpcDoc command is a tool for generating an OpenRPC JSON doc file.

Usage: java -cp rsk.jar -v <rskj_version> -d <work_dir_path> -o <output_file_path>


-v, --version: The RSKj version that will be present in the final docs -d, --dir: The work directory where the JSON template and individual JSON files are present. -o, --outputFile: The destination file containing the final OpenRPC JSON doc.

Example: In this example, the tool will generate an OpenRPC JSON doc file located at /path/to/output.json.

  java -cp rsk.jar -v 1.0.0 -d /path/to/workdir -o /path/to/output.json

Output: 2023-04-24-16:35:00.0617 INFO [c.r.c.t.GenerateOpenRpcDoc] [main] Loading template... 2023-04-24-16:35:00.0620 INFO [c.r.c.t.GenerateOpenRpcDoc] [main] Loading file doc/rpc/template.json ...Etc

JSON output file: json {"openrpc" : "1.2.6", "info" : { "version" : "5.0.0", "title" : "RSKj JSON-RPC", … etc }

Configuration over CLI

Besides the parameters and flags, it's also possible to configure the node over the CLI using the JVM parameters, which starts with the prefix -D followed by the full path of the configuration like it is placed inside the configuration file.

Example: java java -cp rskj-core-<VERSION>.jar -Ddatabase.dir=/home/rsk/data co.rsk.Start

Most of the configurable options or settings for RSKj are available in "config". See config reference for more details.

Reference implementation

See the definition of the CLI flags in the RSKj codebase: NodeCliFlags in

See the definition of the CLI parameters in the RSKj codebase: NodeCliOptions in

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