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RIF Scheduler - SDK

Repository: rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk

With the RIF Scheduler SDK you can schedule transactions in the Rootstock (RSK) network.


  • Query and purchase plans
  • Schedule transactions
  • Schedule recurrent transactions
  • Cancel a scheduling
  • Query transactions scheduled and states
  • Request refunds of overdue executions

This is the official SDK for @rsksmart/rif-scheduler-contracts smart contract. Use it to interact with the RIFScheduler smart contract in a more simple way.

Getting Started

@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk is built on top of ethers.


npm i @rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk ethers

Use 0xad249557515d8b89f2869834857bb872d7b5c398 for RSK Testnet

You can run your own instance following this guide


First, you will need an ethers provider or signer instance.

Using a provider will only allow read-only operations, such as getPlan. Using a signer will allow all operations, such as purchasePlan, schedule, etc.

You can pass an object as optional third parameter with a property supportedER677Tokens, where you can configure a list of tokens supporting ERC677 interface like the RIF token.

For example, to connect the SDK to Metamask

import { RIFScheduler } from "@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk";
import { providers } from "ethers";

const provider = new providers.Web3Provider(web3.currentProvider);

// Creates instance with provider, you can execute read-only operations
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: provider

const signer = provider.getSigner();

// Creates instance with signer, you can execute any kind of operation
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: signer

to connect the SDK to RPC / Ganache

import { RIFScheduler } from "@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk";
import { providers } from "ethers";

const url = "http://localhost:8545";

const provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(url);

// Creates instance with provider, you can execute read-only operations
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: provider

const signer = provider.getSigner();

// Creates instance with signer, you can execute any kind of operation
const rifScheduler = new RifScheduler({
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: signer

What you can do with this sdk?

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