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Setup - RIF Marketplace User Guide

To use the Marketplace application and services, we are going to do the following:

  1. An internet browser extension wallet. Read Compatible wallets how to get a compatible wallet, or read the guides to connect Nifty wallet and Metamask wallet to Rootstock (RSK)
  2. RBTC to pay for the transaction cost. See Getting RBTC
  3. RIF tokens to buy/sell RNS domains or rent decentralized Storage. See Getting RIF Tokens. Also, read display amount of tokens on how to view your tokens in your wallet.

Compatible wallets

The RIF Marketplace can be used seamlessly with the following wallets. To setup your wallet, follow the instructions in connect to Rootstock (RSK) network.

Note: The Nifty browser wallet has been discontinued. See the Nifty Wallet) page for more information.

Nifty Wallet Logo

Nifty wallet recommended
Get the wallet

MetaMask Logo

Get the wallet

Brave's Wallet Logo

Brave's Wallet
Get the browser

Connect Nifty Wallet to Rootstock (RSK)

Note: The Nifty browser wallet has been discontinued. See the Nifty Wallet) page for more information.

  1. Open your wallet.

  2. Open network selector

    Setup - Nifty wallet network selector

  3. Choose the Rootstock (RSK) option

    Setup - Nifty wallet network selector RSK

To use the Rootstock (RSK) testnet network choose the Rootstock Testnet option instead of Rootstcok.

Connect Metamask wallet to Rootstock (RSK)

Find the guide on Metamask.

Getting RBTC

Since the RIF Marketplace works on top of Rootstock blockchain, to pay for transactional fees you will need RBTC tokens. This is going to be used to pay for any transaction performed in the RIF Marketplace.

Read the RBTC Token to find exchanges and more RBTC token information.

If you are using the testnet you can get free funds in the RSK faucet

Getting RIF Tokens

In addition to RBTC, you are going to need RIF tokens to interact with the RIF Marketplace service. This is one of the main payments methods supported by the Marketplace for buying RNS domains and renting decentralized storage.

Read RIF Token to find exchanges and more information on the RIF Token.

If you are using the testnet you can get free funds in the RIF faucet

Display amount of tokens in the Nifty wallet

To see how many tokens you have in your wallet you should list the RIF Token.

  1. Open your wallet (ensure you are connected to Rootstock (RSK))

  2. Go to Tokens view

    Setup - Nifty wallet Tokens View

  3. Click on Add token

    Setup - Nifty wallet Add token

  4. Select RIF Token

    Setup - Nifty wallet RIF Token

    You are also able to choose RNS Token. This represents the amount of .rsk domains owned by your wallet, you can add it too.

  5. Click next

Display amount of tokens in the Metamask wallet

Read Config Custom Tokens to add a custom token to the wallet. You should add the token address displayed in RIF Token.

Github | Access the RIF Marketplace

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