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RIF Marketplace Development Environment

This page provides a guide for developers to set up the environment for the RIF Marketplace project.




  1. node v10 (or nvm with node v10 installed)
  2. Docker
  3. Docker compose
  4. IPFS

Note: The recommended way to install IPFS is using ipfs-update but there are other ways as described here. You can run the latest version (recommended) but required is version: 0.7.0 and above.

Components to install

The following components will be installed as we go along;

  1. RIF Marketplace Developer Environment project
  2. RIF Marketplace Cache project
  3. RIF Marketplace Upload Service project
  4. RIF Marketplace UI project
  5. RNS Manager Project
  6. RIF Storage Pinning Service project


1. Developer Environment

Download and setup the RIF Marketplace Developer Environment

git clone

cd rif-marketplace-dev

1.1. Starting docker

Now you can start docker with

docker-compose up

The Ganache blockchain will now run and it is available to deploy the corresponding Smart Contracts.

1.2. Deploying smart contracts

First, install the dependencies (make sure to use node v10, you can switch using nvm use 10).

sh rns storage

Run the deployment script for the RNS and Marketplace contracts deploying to ganache network.

sh rns storage

This will create ./out folder with a number of configuration files:

  • ui-config.json -

(Optional) the configuration file for the RIF Marketplace UI. This contains information for all the networks which are deployed. This should be put in the rif-marketplace-ui/src/ui-config.json.

  • cache-[network]-config.json -

(Optional) Specific per network configuration file for the RIF Marketplace Cache service. The configuration should be in rif-marketplace-cache/config/local.json.

  • rnsAdmin-[network]-config.json -

Per network configuration file for the RNS Domains Manager. The configuration should be in rns-manager-react/src/config/contracts.local.json.

1.3. Browser wallet

In MetaMask, import the first address from the keys.txt file. The private key is 0x4f3edf983ac636a65a842ce7c78d9aa706d3b113bce9c46f30d7d21715b23b1d

Connect to the local ganache network (localhost:8545 in the network dropdown). You should now see a balance of 99 ETH (or close to that - some gas was already used to deploy the Contracts).

Now we will add RIF token. Click on Add Token -> Custom Token and input the token address that is in ./out/ui-config.json under the rif attribute (should be 0x67B5656d60a809915323Bf2C40A8bEF15A152e3e if this is your first deployment). You should now see your RIF tokens balance of 997 RIF.

You can similarly add more accounts to your wallet if needed.

1.4. IPFS Nodes

For this setup you will need at least two running instances of IPFS. These can be spawned and ran easily through the RIF Storage Pinning repository, which will provide two instances already configured and ready to be used by the RIF Marketplace.

Download and setup the Pinning service

$ git clone
$ cd rif-storage-pinner
$ npm ci

Initialize development repos that are placed in .repos. This folder can be removed anytime and rerun the init command.

Note: All data will be purged.

$ npm run init

Spawn IPFS daemons

$ npm run ipfs:consumer daemon
$ npm run ipfs:provider daemon

You can use NPM's scripts npm run ipfs:consumer and npm run ipfs:provider to interact with each IPFS node. These take the same arguments as the ipfs command.

You should now have two instances of IPFS running on ports 5002 and 5003.

2. RIF Marketplace Cache

Download and setup the RIF Marketplace Cache

git clone

cd rif-marketplace-cache

Install the dependencies

npm ci

Create the DB using the following command:

npm run bin -- db-migration --up

Run Precache process for the RNS Service (for ganache network):

NODE_ENV=ganache npm run bin precache rns storage

Run the cache for the RNS Service with

NODE_ENV=ganache npm run bin -- start --enable rns storage --log=debug

3. RIF Marketplace Upload Service

Download and setup the RIF Marketplace Upload Service.

git clone

cd rif-marketplace-upload-service

Install the dependencies.

npm ci

Create the DB using the following command:

npm run bin -- db-migration --up

Run Upload Service (connected to previously deployed IPFS node).

NODE_ENV=development npm run bin start -- --log=debug

4. RIF Marketplace UI

Download and setup the RIF Marketplace UI.

git clone

cd rif-marketplace-ui

Install the dependencies.

npm ci

Run the UI (this will be available on http://localhost:3000/).

npm start

5. RNS Manager

Download and setup the RNS Manager.

git clone

cd rns-manager-react

Install the dependencies.

npm i

Copy the configuration file generated in step 1.2 from rif-marketplace-dev/out/rnsAdmin-ganache-config.json into rns-manager-react/src/config/contracts.local.json.

Now you can start the UI. (You may need to switch to another port such as http://localhost:3001 if you are already running the RIF Marketplace UI).

npm start

6. RIF Storage Pinning service

This is a service that listens on blockchain events and when new Agreement is created it pins a file to the configured IPFS node.

Download and setup the Pinning service (already done when running IPFS nodes).

$ git clone
$ cd rif-storage-pinner
$ npm ci

Ensure IPFS is installed. We will use one of the previously deployed instances of IPFS.

To interact with pinning service, use the npm run bin script. To start Pinning service run:

npm run bin -- init --offerId={your_account} --db=./db.sqlite

This will provide the peerId that should be used in the RIF Marketplace UI to create the Storage offer. You can create the offer on http://localhost:3000/storage/sell?peerId={your_peer_id}.

Once the offer is created in the UI, you can run the service using:

NODE_ENV=ganache npm run bin daemon -- --log=debug --db=./db.sqlite

You should see in logs when new Agreements are detected and pinned.

NOTE: See help pages for details on the parameters and additional commands!

Using the RIF Marketplace

Forwarding the Blockchain (Confirmations)

In order to complete the required operations and get the required number of Confirmations, you will need to run the following script to mine new blocks after each single transaction (both during the RNS registration flow and also when you Buy and Sell RNS Domains)


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