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Run Locally

The MVP - Run Locally

Running the project consists of XXX main steps. To understand all the process please read architecture & design article first

1. Run the infrastructure


2. Configure and run the services

Clone the repo from and checkout v0.1.0

First of all set-up generals of all services

Each of the services needs specific (easy) configuration. To configure the service please follow each service-specific, and can be run as standalone. See the guides in each service's READMEs:

The services are seamlessly run using Docker. See the guide here

3. Serve the services

You will need to serve the services on public HTTPS server to enable access from mobile applications. To do so you can:

  • Run a cloud server
  • Serve from your computer using tools like ngrok

4. Configure the apps

First of all you will need to set up React Native - this can be time-spending

After this is done, clone the repo from and checkout holder-v0.1.2

Run the general setup. Please refer to each app's README to configure the service endpoints, the general README is outdated and already tagged.

5. Run the apps

The apps can be run in two modes:

  • Development mode
  • Production build

Please refer to React Native docs to run the apps.

All done!. We recommend to follow this user story to understand and learn how to use the apps.

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