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Provider module

Data vault - Centralized pinner provider

A Centralized Data Vault provider compatible with RIF Data Vault standard interface. It stores content in an IPFS node associated to a given DID and key.

It is strongly recommended to encrypt the content saved in IPFS using this package.


  • Stores, retrieve, deletes and swaps content from/in an IPFS node
  • Associates did* -> key -> cid in a SQLite local DB so it is not needed to remember the just created cid
  • Pins and unpins cids in the given IPFS node
  • Limited storage per did

*DIDs are saved in lowercase to ensure checksum compatibility across different wallets.


The IPFS Centralized pinner provider was designed to use in Centralized pinner service but can be used as standalone

Basic instance

Plug and play configuration

import { ipfsPinnerProviderFactory, IpfsPinnedCid, IpfsMetadata } from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-provider'
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm'

const ipfsApi = 'http://localhost:5001'

const database = 'my-ipfs-pinner-provider.sqlite'
const Entities = [IpfsPinnedCid, IpfsMetadata]

const dbConnection = await createConnection({
  type: 'sqlite',
  entities: Entities,
  logging: false,
  dropSchema: true,
  synchronize: true

const ipfsPinnerProvider = await ipfsPinnerProviderFactory({ dbConnection, ipfsApiUrl, maxStorage })
// NOTE: ipfsApiUrl is optional. Default value is: 'http://localhost:5001'
// NOTE: maxStorage is optional. Default value is: 1000000 // 1 mb

Advanced instance

This allows to configure the ipfs-http-client and set the DB connection with the desired configuration

import { createConnection } from 'typeorm'
import IpfsHttpClient from 'ipfs-http-client'
import IpfsPinnerProvider, { IpfsClient, IpfsPinner, MetadataManager, Entities, IpfsMetadata, IpfsPinnedCid } from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-provider'

// ipfs config
const ipfsConfig = { ...yourConfig, url: 'http://localhost:5001' } // refer to
const ipfsHttpClient = IpfsHttpClient(ipfsConfig) 

// db config
const database = 'my-ipfs-pinner-database.sqlite'
const dbConnection = await createConnection({
  type: 'sqlite',
  entities: Entities,
  logging: false,
  dropSchema: true,
  synchronize: true

const maxStorage = 1000000
const pinnedCidsRepository = dbConnection.getRepository(IpfsPinnedCid)
const metadataRepository = dbConnection.getRepository(IpfsMetadata)

// set dependencies to inject
const ipfsClient = new IpfsClient(ipfsHttpClient)
const ipfsPinner = new IpfsPinner(ipfsHttpClient, pinnedCidsRepository)
const metadataManager = new MetadataManager(metadataRepository)

const IpfsPinnerProvider = new IpfsPinnerProvider(ipfsClient, metadataManager, ipfsPinner, maxStorage)


const did = 'did:ethr:rsk:12345678'
const key = 'the key'
const content = 'the content'

const cid: string = await ipfsPinnerProvider.create(did, key, content)

const content: { id: string, content: string }[] = await ipfsPinnerProvider.get(did, key)

const keys: string[] = await ipfsPinnerProvider.getKeys(did)

const newCid: string = await ipfsPinnerProvider.swap(did, key, 'the new content')

const anotherCid: string = await ipfsPinnerProvider.swap(did, key, 'the new content', newCid) // cid can be specified if there is more than one content associated to the given did and key

const deleted: boolean = await ipfsPinnerProvider.delete(did, key)

const deleted: boolean = await ipfsPinnerProvider.delete(did, key, cid) // cid can be specified if there is more than one content associated to the given did and key

const availableStorage: number = await ipfsPinnerProvider.getAvailableStorage(did) // return the amount of bytes available to store value associated to the given did

const usedStorage: number = await ipfsPinnerProvider.getUsedStorage(did) // return the amount of bytes used to store value associated to the given did

const didBackup: Backup = await ipfsPinnerProvider.getBackup(did) // return an array containing all the keys and cids created by the given did

Run for development

Check out ipfs-cpinner-client in the rif-data-vault repo.

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