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RIF Notifier Setup and Install

This page provides a guide for developers to setup and install the RIF Notifier project.


  1. Installation Guide
  2. Usage Guide
    1. Preconditions
    2. Notifier Provider CLI
    3. Notifier Consumer CLI
    4. Start the application

Installation guide

RIF Notifier can be installed to run locally or in a docker container. Local installation can be performed by following the steps in Local Installation. To run rif-notifier in a docker container, follow the instructions in Docker Installation Steps.


Prerequisites for docker installation

1. Docker

Make sure you have docker installed in your machine. If not, download from

2. git

The latest version of the git client can be installed through:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

Docker Installation Steps

  • Open a terminal.

  • Install git by following the steps in prerequisites for docker installation.

  • Clone this repo using git clone rif-notifier and switch to the rif-notifier directory by using command cd rif-notifier

  • Install notifier provider cli by following steps in notifier provider cli

  • Copy config-docker-template.json to config-docker.json

  • Set the dbpassword environment variable for mysql docker container. Set the same password to rif-notifier by running command notifier-prov-cli dockerconfigure --dbpassword.

  • Run notifier-prov-cli dockerconfigure to configure the required properties to run RIF notifier docker instance.

  • Run the command notifier-prov-cli dockerbuild This command will build the mysql, and rif-notifier docker images and run it. Wait for the server to start until you see message started application in x(seconds).

  • Run the command notifier-prov-cli create subscriptionplan --docker to create subscription plans.

  • Once the containers are fully running, test it by using following command curl -k http://localhost:8080/getSubscriptionPlans. And that's it, congrats! you should see a response with the json of subscription plans.

  • Subsequently to stop and start the docker containers use notifier-prov-cli dockerstop and notifier-prov-cli dockerstart

Prerequisites for local installation

1. git

The latest version of the git client can be installed through:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

2. Rootstock (RSK) Blockchain (Mainnet)

The next requirement is an RSK node which can be run using the JAR file method. Use the latest RSKj version avaiable and have it sync with mainnet.

This node should be accessible through localhost:4444. For more information on how to achieve this, please consult the Setup node on Java section on the Developer Portal.

3. MySQL

The latest version of the mysql-server database can be installed through:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server

Then, run the installer by executing:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

This will take you through a series of prompts where you can configure your MySQL installation.

3.1 Verification

You can verify the MySQL service is running by executing:

sudo service mysql status

You can verify the port used by the MySQL is of the expected value 3306 by executing:

sudo netstat -tlnp | grep mysql

netstat can be installed through sudo apt install net-tools.

4. Maven

The latest version of maven can be installed through:

sudo apt install maven

Local Installation Steps

The steps in this section will help you configure mysql database in local environment.

  1. Ensure prerequisites for local installation are met.

  2. Run the script bin/ with 3 parameters as below, this will create the mysql user notifier_user with required permissions

bin/ <database root user> <database root password> <notifier_user password>

The third parameter is the password for user notifier_user which will be created by this script


To update an already installed RIF Notifier follow these steps:

  1. Stop the RIF Notifier process.
  2. Navigate to the rif-notifier directory and pull the latest code by executing git pull. The master branch should still be used.
  3. Start the RIF Notifier by running the command notifier-prov-cli start.

Usage guide


RIF Notifier uses eth_getLogs rpc to get the information about events, therefore the Rootstock (RSK) node must respond in a reasonable timeframe (< 30s)

Since the eth_getLogs result is cached, it will take a long time for this call to finish the first time it is executed after the Rootstock (RSK) node is started. This will happen each time the Rootstock (RSK) node boots. After this, each call should be finished in a reasonable time.

Use this curl to test the eth_getLogs response:

curl -X POST http://localhost:4444 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"address":"0xde2D53e8d0E673A4b1D9054cE83091777F2fd8Ce","fromBlock":"0x0","toBlock":"latest"}],"id":74}'

Notifier Provider CLI

Notifier Provider CLI is a command line tool to configure and run the rif-notifier.

To install and use notifier provider cli see

Notifier Consumer CLI

Notifier Consumer CLI is a command line tool for RIF-Notifier consumers to perform operations like subscribe to a plan, renew a subscription, and list user subscriptions.

To install and use notifier consumer cli see

Start the application

Use notifier-prov-cli start to start the rif notifier locally, or notifier-prov-cli dockerstart to start rif notifier docker instance

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