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RIF Notifier API

You can access the RIF notifier REST API through the available endpoints. The available endpoints can be accessed through swagger using the link http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Below is a summary of the available endpoints.

  1. Get Subscription Plans
  2. Subscribe to Plan
  3. Renew Subscription
  4. Subscription and Renewal Response
  5. Other available endpoints
    1. Retrieve notifications
    2. Get subscriptions
    3. Get Lumino tokens
    4. Subscribe to specific open channel
    5. Subscribe to close channel
    6. Subscribe to all open channels
    7. Get chain addresses events
  6. Health Check

Get Subscription Plans

The endpoint http://localhost:8080/getSubscriptionPlans can be used to get a list of subscription plans along with the accepted currencies and the price in each currency. Optionally activePlans=true parameter can be sent to retrieve only the active subscription plans.

Subscribe to Plan

Run the command notifier-cons-cli subscribe to subscribe to a plan

Renew Subscription

Run the command notifier-cons-cli renew to renew existing subscription

Subscription and Renewal response

As part of the subscription and renewal response a hash of the subscription along with the signature is returned. The hash can be used to identify a subscription.

Api key
An api key is also generated as part of the response, which can be used to perform get subscriptions and get notifications operations.

Subscription and Renewal response

As part of the subscription and renewal response a hash of the subscription along with the signature is returned. The hash can be used to identify a subscription.

Getting notifications

When you're subscribed to topics, and an event is triggered, the notifier will process the data and save it, so that you can access it.

GET Request: http://localhost:8080/getNotifications
Header params:
	    key: apiKey
	    value: API_KEY
Query params:
	idTopic [Optional]: The notifications will be filtered with this param, so it brings only the idTopics associated with each, you can send lots of ids, separating each with commas: 12,15,21
	fromId [Optional]: Each notification has an id, you can make a greater than by providing this param
	lastRows [Optional]: With this param you can set how many notifications the notifier returns. MAX is set in `` at 1000, so this number needs to be less than that.
Other available endpoints
Get Subscriptions
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/getSubscriptions
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/getSubscriptions/hash1,hash2...
Header param: 
    Header param: 
	key: userAddress
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY 
	Request param:
	name: subscriptionHash
Short description: Gets all the subscriptions or subscriptions for provided hashes. More detailed subscription info will be returned for users with a valid api key.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": "SEE JSON BELOW",
    "status": "OK"
   "activeSince":"2020-00-00 00:00:00.0",
Get Lumino tokens
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/getLuminoTokens
Header param:
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY
Short description: Initiates an array of Token Network Address for the tokens registered in the blockchain, it can be used in other endpoints to subscribe to OpenChannels for the token or Closed Channel events.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": ["0x386d436aAaDB7a14904B754695A9a79d3E1D521E"],
    "status": "OK"
Subscribe to specific open channel
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/subscribeToOpenChannel
Header param:
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY
Query params:
	token [Required]: Token network id for the token that you want to listen on open channel events
	participantone [Optional]: Address participant 1 of the channel
	participanttwo [Optional]: Address participant 2 of the channel
Short description: The notifier will listen to the events for the specified token.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": "{\"topicId\": 0}",
    "status": "OK"
Subscribe to close channel
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/subscribeToCloseChannel
Header param:
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY
Query params:
	token [Required]: Token network id for the token that you want to listen on open channel events
	closingParticipant [Optional]: Address of the participant who closes the channel
	channelidentifier [Optional]: Id of the channel
Short description: Similar to subscribeToOpenChannel, but for close channel event.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": "{\"topicId\": 0}",
    "status": "OK"
Subscribe to all Lumino open channels
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/subscribeToLuminoOpenChannels
Header param:
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY
Query params:
	closingParticipant [Optional]: Address of the participant who closes the channel
	channelidentifier [Optional]: Id of the channel
Short description: This endpoint subscribes you to all tokens, and returns an array of topic id, each topic will represent an event for each token. Also this endpoint accepts params for participantone and participanttwo, if sent, will filter all the topics.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": "{\"topicId\": 0}",
    "status": "OK"
Get RNS events
GET Request: http://localhost:8080/getRnsEvents
Header param:
	key: apiKey
	value: API_KEY
Query params:
	nodehash [Optional]: Hashed name of the owner of the chain address
	eventName [Optional]: "ChainAddrChanged" for all types of chain address or "AddrChanged" to Rootstock (RSK) Chain addresses events
Short description: From this endpoint you can bring the events emmited by the chain addresses set.

Return example:

    "message": "OK",
    "data": [
            "id": 772,
            "nodehash": "0x5f0169581c8d8a20ced1dc6f11c6e72485191e6a6a8fcc833692b4b966c63ab5",
            "eventName": "ChainAddrChanged",
            "chain": "0x80000132",
            "address": "0xC9dB73F54D43479b1a67DB2284bCFed17b0A13c2",
            "rowhashcode": 762164261,
            "block": 9976
            "id": 921,
            "nodehash": "0x55343d1b4bf30f6cde61752100e8d7d4061b87424e1697697e9e8ac23970ef04",
            "eventName": "AddrChanged",
            "chain": "0x80000089",
            "address": "0xad12408d680504719756cc4969eec9f302335c44",
            "rowhashcode": 210602843,
            "block": 1087198
    "status": "OK"

Health Check

Health check provides a way to ensure that the rif-notifier service is fully functional. The following url is used for health check


A sample response is given below. status property in json is either UP or DOWN. The response json also provides more details on individual services. The status for each individual service is UP, DOWN or disabled. When a notification service is not provided by the provider through the configuration property, the status of the service is shown as disabled.

    "status": "UP",
    "details": {
        "mail": {
            "status": "disabled",
            "details": {
                "service": "service is not enabled in configuration"
        "RSK": {
            "status": "UP"
        "SMS": {
            "status": "disabled",
            "details": {
                "service": "service is not enabled in configuration"
        "db": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
                "database": "MySQL",
                "hello": 1
        "diskSpace": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
                "total": 119824367616,
                "free": 21785624576,
                "threshold": 10485760

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